divendres, 11 de març del 2011

Ara una amb Angles !!!


The last summer, after having worked intensely, we wanted a few vacations. We travelled to Washington. It's a nice and monumental city. When we arrived to the Mall, we stayed admired by the long walk and by the quantity of museums that exists there. We lhad a wonderfull time. We walked by bus, by train, by tube and also we rented a car. We liked this city, it was a city full of green gardens and nice flowers.

When we arrived home, my house was messy, my bed was undone... We suspected that a thief had entrered ¡¡¡

I hated it , I would kill him ¡¡¡

We had to arrange our house
What an end of vacations ¡¡¡

dimarts, 8 de març del 2011

Playas Menorca senderismo por el camí de Cavalls

El nostre company d'informàtica Manuel Morales, que com sabeu és menorquí, ha enviat aquest video del Camí dels Cavall de Menorca, on es pot practicar el senderísme disfrutant de les magnifiques vistes que ofereigen les illes.
M'ha agradat tant, que li he demanat per publicar-lo en el nostre bloc.
Segurament hi haurà més d'un company que ho conegui i poder tindrà la gentilesa d'explicar-nos mes coses d'aquestes platges
Qui s'anima?
